
  • Tim McGraw Was Caught Making A Embarrassing Mistake On Stage…

    Even Some Of The Biggest County Music Super Stars Make Mistakes. Unfortunately Though What Happened Will Have Him Embarrassed For Awhile… It's Pretty Bad.

    Uh Oh… Poor Tim McGraw. Although he really didn't seem to embarrassed at first when he got backstage he was in tears over the incident!

    We all know Tim's No. 1 Hit: ‘Shotgun Rider,' he has been preforming that for a long time. Well, at The #1 Party Concert he clearly had a lot of things on his mind because when he was singing it something else happened that not only had Tim shocked but the whole audience laughing at him.

    To Find Out What Happened & What Has Tim McGraw Regretting That He Even Did The Entire Concert Please Go To Page (2)….

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    1. Sage Slinger says:

      It’s called being human why is this news?

    2. Gwen Bartley says:

      oh well it is ok Tim no buggy

    3. Gwen Bartley says:

      buggy big deal ur still awesome

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