It is such a shame to have lost Elvis. He was such a talented amazing performer and no stranger to Country Music. There is a reason still why Elvis keeps popping up all over town in commercials, shows and even movies – it is because he was and still is the best!
I mean who is more talented than Elivs? It's hard to say.
Luckily there are countless videos and recordings of him, although they are not high-resolution they still are able to capture the extremely large following that he had back in the day. – It's pretty incredible to see how many fans he had – it must have been in the millions.
This video, unfortunately was reported to be one of his last ones that he ever did and you can see the health problems that he had right from when he walked on stage. He even had to be lead down stage and into a car after wards.
According to some old records, Elvis' doctors begged for him to not do the show but he was so dedicated to his fans that he asked for a large concoction of drugs to help him though the short performance.
This Video Is Proof That There Was Serious Problems That Needed To Be Taken Care Of Right Away But Where Handled Poorly.
Please Go To Page (2) To Find Out More Information….
Love it
I saw that I was so in love with Elvis so pathetic me lol
Elvis was, and always will be the best!